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Welcome to the Weathered Soul Liberty Network!

This is not another Libertarian or libertarian podcast network as you know it, and none of my content will follow any party line.

This network is for the consumer who wants to learn how-to walk-in freedom. How to obtain Liberty lost and how to obtain autonomy in a world where conformity continues to swallow those who crave safety and security over personal responsibility.

My podcast and list of credible co-hosts will strive to bring the most up to date information, commentary and opinion that I believe will be well time spent.

The list of Content and Podcasts continues to grow and the Network is continuing to look at new and experienced talent to join the network and share their work with this realm.

The Current List of podcasts that will post on this network will be:

The Weathered Soul Podcast

A Hannity and Colmes type of podcast with myself and co-host DJ Dougie where we tackle the news of the day, current cultural issues and debate

The Morning Drive with Bruce (aka The Weathered Soul)

Join me as I talk about what the coming day offers on many subjects on my morning commute

Bruce for Liberty

This is my Liberty Podcast, dealing with all things about Freedom and Autonomy, Be prepared to take total responsibility for yourself, your family and your actions. because I do not sway from these important values

In the Pit of my Stomach

If you are interested in Health, Wellness, Clean Living, Fitness and Business. Then this podcast is just for you. Plexus Worldwide is my Company and Network Marketing is my business. Come to hear testimony, tips for returning your body to way it was meant to work. In Balance and in Health

I have many more ideas flying around in this brain and I research all my content. I listen to the Leaders in the podcast industry and many of them are personal friends of mine. So don’t be surprised if you see them end up on one of my podcasts:

Lions of Liberty - Marc Clair, Brian McWilliams, John Odermatt

Wealth Power and Influence - Jason Stapleton

King Pilled - Matthew Erickson

Just to name a few

I hope you enjoy my content

Bruce (aka The Weathered Soul)

Twitter: @alsoknownasTWS


[email protected]

Community Guidelines

Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment:

  • Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
  • Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
  • No pornography
  • Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
  • Relax, be yourself, and enjoy

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